Wednesday, 30 December 2015

I'm A Hypocrite

To Valued Readers,

                               Hi. How are you? I hope you are going great.

I created this blog for the purpose of sharing my journey from meat eater to fully raw vegan, with good intentions behind it. However, I cannot at this stage deliver on this. I have been feeling very lethargic (possibly due to Iron deficiency or some other deficiency - I won't know until my Dr comes back on the 21st of January. 

To prevent any further decline, have strength, vitality and some energy (I hope) I am back eating meat again, with absolutely no regrets, inso far as my health is concerned. I have been feeling better physically since I have been eating red meat again.

I feel that I have tortured my body, not by avoiding meat so much, as by not knowing what I am doing eating piscapalean-vegetarian. I find that I have not found it easy to keep up with alternating between kale, broccoli and spinach smoothies. In fact, I have often neglected to make the smoothies, which is possibly why I may lacking certain necessary nutritious components.

At this stage my plan is to continue eating meat up until I see my Dr, then plan with her how I am going to do this (properly). If she doesn't help me plan it, I will try seeing another Dr and yet another until I find someone willing to work with me. This is a lifestyle choice that I am making so that I am no longer contributing to the unnecessary suffering of animals, and in some ways to be healthier.

I do still very strongly believe in the fully raw vegan diet and want to give it my best shot. Perhaps I will end up preferring to be raw till four or vegetarian instead. I could settle for vegetarian - for the sake of my palate, but not for the sake of my health... because I know there are people who are vegetarian out there who are overweight (which can lead to heart problems) and there are those who are vegan... never seen an overweight vegan, unless they were overwight to begin with.

I myself am overweight. I am approximately 100kg. I was 105kg about a month ago and 102kg last I checked. I estimate I am 100kg now due to eating healthier. I'm one of those people who on first glance, doesn't look overweight, but if you're really looking for it you can see it. I don't like how being overweight feels in my body. It hurts. It is hard to move the way I would normally move, for example during exercise.

I really want to get on top of my health, including my weight - for the sake of my health. This goes beyond the realms of diet (not dieting, diet: what we eat that is healthy versus fad/crash dieting). It goes into the realms of being physically active and exercising on top of that. So, controlling what I eat (by making better choices daily), staying active and exercising in addition to incidental activity is my goal. 

So this blog is evolving into something I didn't really want it to be about. However, I hope you'll join me on the journey of discovering what it takes to be healthy... and I hope that at a later stage I will be able to get on with the experiment. For now the focus is on health, rather than experimentation, and that's perfectly ok. I think it's a better way to go about it for now.

I do care about the animals, though no, I haven't seen Cowspiracy - nor do I want to see it. I think it would be gut wrenchingly horrible to watch. I cry when I see what happens to animals... but there is still this big disconnect between the emotions and my actions. I know. I am doing what is right for my body first and foremost, then when I'm sorted I can go about avoiding causing pain and suffering to other sentient beings. I realise this makes me a Hypocrite. So be it for now. When I do get on the bandwagon, it will be so worthwhile.

Thank you for reading so far.

Have a great day and an awesome life. May God Bless You Always! :D

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Not So Meatless Over Christmas

To Valued Reader(s),

                                 Hi. How are you? I hope you're well.

An update:

I feel that I need to alter my plans and change the process of what this whole blog is about (going from meat eater to fully raw vegan in 6 months). What I would like to do is wait until after chrismas, because this is a very stressful time of the year and there is a lot of meat shoved under my nose - and I am still someone who very much likes the taste and smell of most meaty foods still.

I have mostly stuck to the diet plan that I had... which is just to eat everything except meat, with the exception of fish, although I caved on two occasions. One was at a christmas party. I justified eating some chicken to myself (it was horrible, and I felt sick after - I felt like a little piece of my soul died).  And today I had a hotdog, which did not have the same soul-crushing affects of chicken, because it simply didn't look like the original product.

At this stage, I am considering just doing my research up until perhaps February 1, then starting with the fish phase. However, in the meantime I will try my best to eat vegetarian and only have meat if I am truly craving it, if I'm needing sustenance or for any other reason I deem fit, provided it's a good one.

I'm still having my kale smoothies. I'm feeling good. Someone recommended I track my mood and other factors for you guys, so there is something quantifiable to have a look at. I'm happy to do so as well, I just need to figure out the best way to do this and how to include it here in this blog.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, or constructive feedback, all are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Have a great day and life and God Bless! :D