Saturday, 28 November 2015

I'm Back!

To Valued Readers,

                               The last couple days I haven't written any blog posts, as you may have noticed. I have taken some time to rest up, because I was feeling very exhausted. I haven't put my finger on what could be causing this exhaustion, although I do realise that I haven't been covering my Iron by having leafy-green vegetable smoothies. I've been having a lot of fruit smoothies, however, which make me feel good and energised for a time.

The last two days I've been having a lot of empty carbs, which is something that I don't want to continue, because of how it makes me feel. I do realise that it's good to get carbs, but I'd much prefer to get them from my vegetables than from any grains. I'm not excluding any grains at this stage - but when I do, it will only be a particular 4 types of grain and maybe one or two other grains... any containing gluten. 

I don't need to do this step, as I'm no longer a coeliac (I was diagnosed in 2010 by a Gastro Doctor), (healed in 2014 by faith in God/Universe/Myself). I am doing it only because I want to experiment with this once again and see how I feel without it. Last time I felt it made no real difference in how I felt, only it DID stop me needing the toilet 24/7 at that time. Now it doesn't bother me at all, but I sense that I might feel a little better without it. We'll see.

That's all I want to say for now folks. I hope you have a great day and life, and God Bless.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Difficult To Avoid Meat: But Still Going Relatively Well

To Valued Readers,

                               today, thought I'm informally starting my month of not eating any meat except fish, I did sneak some chicken flavouring in from some noodles that were given to me. I wouldn't have eaten these if I had anything edible in the fridge - other than some cauliflower, carrots and tomatoes. That being said many fruits came into my life today in the form of leftovers from a parcel someone in the household purchased. Yum yum!

I'm a little off track, but then it doesn't formally start until the 1st of December, so I'm cutting myself a little slack. I expected something like this might crop up. I'm not too disappointed. In fact I'm glad that I've done as well as I have done so far. To prevent this happening again, I need to stock up on things I CAN eat in both the fridge, freezer and cupboard. I can do this tomorrow when I go out.

I will write more when convenient to do so.

Have an awesome day and life and God Bless!

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

From Meat Eater To Fully Raw Vegan

To Valued Reader(s),

                                  this is an experiment. The purpose of this experiment is to a. experience going from one extreme to the other - albeit, gradually (meat eater to fully raw vegan) b. see what stage I feel most happy with and c. stick to it (for life). Because I am also facing certain mental health issues, which are considered "severe" mental health issues, I will be having regular check-ins with my GP to make sure all is well. It is my hope that my GP will support me with this and provide valuable nutritional information if I struggle to find it myself.

I have not yet done my research. That is a part of what this is about. This is a journey. Since people sometimes learn more when thrown in the deep end, I'm 110% confident I can do this and looking forward to the challenge. What am I doing?

This is the Journey I have mapped out:

Stage 0: Meat Eater >
 Stage 1: Piscapelean >
 Stage 2: Vegetarian > 
Stage 3: Gluten Free Vegetarian >
Stage 4: Vegan >
Stage 5: Raw Till 4 >
Stage 6: Fully Raw Vegan

I will  give each stage 1 months, with the exception of Meat Eater. I am stopping eating all meat (except fish) for the first month. I will focus on those things which I can eat - especially all forms of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, mushrooms and have dairy, eggs or even fish if I feel like it.

I hope that you will join me on this journey - wether you are making dietary changes yourself or not. If you have any great recipes for various stages along the fully raw vegan path please do share them with me, as I'm interested in trying new things. I will also include recipes along the way as I deem fit to do so.

I start today, but I will formally be starting each stage on the 1st of each month to make it easier to keep track of. So that's:

Starting December 01: Piscapalean
Starting January 01: Vegetarian
Starting February 01: Gluten Free Vegetarian
Starting March 01: Vegan
Starting April 01: Raw Till 4
Starting May 01: Fully Raw Vegan
Starting June 01: All stages COMPLETE

Have an awesome day & God Bless.